Sunday 8 January 2017

The Weapon's of Lord Shiva and their Power

Trishul : Shiva, the Destroyer
The Trident of Lord Shiva. Infallible, cannot be stopped by anyone, except Lord Shiva himself.

Vijaya (bow): Shiva, the Destroyer 
  • Also called as Shiva Dhanush, the Vijaya Dhanusha was the personal bow of Lord Shiva, which was regarded as the foremost of bows.
  •  Lord Shiva left it in the care of Indra Dev who on instruction from Lord Shiva happily gave it to Lord Parashurama. 
  • Lord Parashurama kept is as his personal bow and being pleased with the devotion of his student Karna, gave the Vijaya Dhanusha to Karna. 
  • The Sanskrit name ‘Vijaya’ means ‘victory’ and this bow is said to give sure victory to the possessor. 
  • The string of Vijaya Dhanush cannot be broken by any kind of astra (weapon) or divya astra (divine weapon), nor by anyone and it is so heavy that a normal person in any yuga cannot not lift it. 
  • Every time an arrow is released from this bow, it created a terrible twang, which is said to be loud as thunder causing terrible fear in enemies and produces flashes of light as brilliant as lightning, which blinds the enemy. 
  • Every time an arrow is aimed, the energy of the arrow is amplified by multiple times as Vijaya Dhanush is charged with sacred mantras. 
  • Vijaya Dhanush is unparalleled and except Lord Parasurama, Karna or an equally or more powerful warrior, nobody can even lift it. 
  • No weapon, not even the mighty Pashupatastra, can harm a warrior who has Vijaya Dhanush in his hand, as the name Vijaya implies victory to the wielder. 
  • The only time Karna ever fought using the Vijaya Dhanusha was on the 17th day of the Kurukshetra war when he fought against and overpowered Arjuna who was using Gandiva bow.
  •  Karna came to be known by the name 'Vijayadhari' meaning 'wielder of the Vijaya bow'.

Pinaka (bow): Shiva, the Destroyer
  • Also called as Shiva Dhanush, was the bow of Lord Shiva, which he used to kill countless Asuras in battle (The city of Tripura was destroyed by Lord Shiva using the Pinaka). 
  • Was given to Parashurama By Lord Shiva, which was passed down to King Janaka, the father of Devi Sita, and was broken by Lord Ram in her swayamvara.

Maheshwarastra: Shiva, the Destroyer
  • Contains the power of Shiva's third eye. 
  • Shoots a really fast fiery beam which can turn even celestial beings to complete ashes. Infallible and unstoppable. 
  • It has the power to turn the entire creation to ashes.

Rudra Astra: Shiva, the Destroyer
  • Contains the power of a Rudra. 
  • When it is used, it invokes the power of a Rudra out of the Ekadasha (Eleven) Rudras and destroys the target.
  •  In Mahabharata era only Arjuna possessed the knowledge to invoke this weapon. Arjun invokes the mighty Raudra weapon of Mahadev against karna in final battle but Brahmin's curse saved karna from getting killed by Raudra weapon.

Pashupatastra: Shiva, the Destroyer
  • Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature.
  •  When released, the weapon summons several monsters and a huge spirit which personifies the weapon.
  •  Each time the weapon is summoned, its head is never the same. 
  • This weapon had to be obtained from Shiva directly.
  •  It is Infallible and without any parallel which cannot be stopped by anyone except by Lord        Shiva. 
  • Indrajit, the son of Ravan possessed this weapon in Ramayana and Arjuna in Mahabharata.

 Parashu (axe): Shiva, the Destroyer
  • The Parashu (axe) was an unconquerable and indestructible divine weapon given to Lord Parashurama by his Guru Lord Shiva along with other divine weapons due to the extreme devotion of Lord Parashurama.
  •  Lord Parashurama later gave this axe to Lord Ganesha. 
  • Parashurama means Rama who wields the axe as Rama was the name Lord Parashuramawas known by till he acquired the axe from Lord Shiva.

Chandrahas: Shiva, the Destroyer
  • The divine sword Chandrahas (Chandra-Moon, Has-laugh, literally 'the laughter of the moon' but referring to the shape formed by a crescent moon which resembles a smile) was given to Raavan with a warning .
  • The warning is that if it was used for unjust causes, it would return to the three-eyed Lord Shiva and Ravana's days would be numbered.

Lord Shiva's Teen Baan (three infallible arrows) : Shiva, The Destroyer
  • Lord Shiva gave Barbarika three infallible arrows (Teen Baan). A single arrow was enough to destroy all opponents in any war, and it would then return to Barbarika's quiver.
  •  The first arrow is used to mark all the things that Barbarika wants to destroy. 
  • On releasing the third arrow, it would destroy all the things that are marked and will then return to Barbarika's quiver. 
  • If Barbarika uses the second arrow, then the second arrow will mark all the things that Barbarika wants to save
  • . On using the third arrow, it will destroy all the things that are not marked.
  •  In other words, with one arrow Barbarika can fix all his targets and with the other he can destroy them. 
  • Krishna disguised as a Brahmin stopped Barbarika to examine his strength. When asked how many days he would take to finish the Kurukshetra War alone, Barbarika answered that he could finish it within few moments. Barbarika came to be known by the appellation Teen Baandhaari, the "Bearer of Three Arrows".Barbarika was the son of Ghatotkacha, and a grandson of Bhima (second of the Pandava brothers) and Hidimbi.


  1. Isn't vijaya specifically created to destroy tripura?
    Pinaka was created along with sharang from the same bamboo used by Brahma to create gandiva. Both sharang and pinaka were created to be equal by viswakarma to check who was superior among shiva and vishnu in archery. Depending on the version, either shiva lost or the match was cancelled causing shiva to either threw it to the ground and picked up by janaka's ancestor or straight up giving it to janaka's ancestor following vishnu who gave it to Parashurama's father to be passed down to his later incarnations.

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