Saturday 26 November 2016

The only Kaurava who survived in the kurukshethra war

Yuyutsu : Yuyutsu in the Hindu epic Mahabharata was a son of  Dhritharashtra with sugandha ( Gandhari's maid).

  •  Fearing problems with Gandhari's pregnancy which had continued for almost two years, Dhritrashtra had a child from Sughada, a woman from Vaishya Varna, who is lady in waiting to Gandhari. 
  • He was born on the same day as Duryodhana and was elder to Dushasana
  • He is celebrated as a moral warrior who chose the path of righteousness and He forwent his family bonds in order to side with dharma.

During Kurukshetra War

  • Since Mahabharata was called the righteous war, both sides (Pandavas and Kauravas) were given absolute freedom to choose any side they wished.
  • Before the onset of the battle of Kurukshetra War between Kauravas and Pandavas, Yuyutsu shifts from Kauravas to the Pandava camp. Yuyutsu fought the battle on the side of the Pandavas
  • He was one among the 11 Maharathis (capable of fighting 720,000 warriors simultaneously) among the Kauravas. Yuyutsu was one among the eleven warriors to have survived the war.
  • After the war When the Pandavas decided to retire from the world at the start of the Kali Yuga and departure of Krishna, Yudhishthira gave the charge of supervising the kingdom to Yuyutsu while Parikshit (Abhimanyu's son) was made the king 

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