Monday 5 December 2016

Which was the other most powerful kingdom during the Mahabharatha apart from Kuru Vamsh?

There were many powerful kingdoms at that time

1. Magadh Kingdom --> Ruled by  Jarasandha. 

  • It was the one kingdom even Dwarka couldn't defeat in the battlefield
  •  Jarasandha attacked Mathura and the Yadavas 17 times.
  • This made Krishna and Balarama flee to Dwaraka along with remaining soldiers. Dwaraka was an island and it was not possible for Jarasandha to attack Yadavas afterwards

2. Chedi Kingdom--> Ruled by Shishupaal (cousin of  Krishna)
  • In the Mahabharata, Shishupala's mother was given a vow by Krishna, her nephew, that he would pardon his cousin Shishupala for a hundred offenses
  • Later he killed by krishna while doing Rajasuya yaga (by yudhishtira)
3.  Panchal Kingdom--> ruled by King Drupada 

4. Gandhara kingdom--> Ruled by Shakuni's father Suvala

  • Gandhara was in modern Pakistan. Puskalavati taxila and peshawar were cities in this gandhara kingdom. 
  • Gandharvas were well versed in music and art

5. Dwaraka Kingdom--> Ruled by Krishna and Balarama
  • Yadavas are known to be Great Warriors and even Greater Politicians. This combination can be best understood by looking at the Narayani Sena and the Politics of Lord Krishna
  • Krishna used this narayani sena to win most of India, including Pragjyotisha, Shonitapura, Vidarbha, Gandhara, Pandya, and the mighty Magadha.


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