Monday 26 December 2016

Levels of warrior in Any kind of war

There are 5 levels

RathiA warrior capable of attacking 5,000 warriors simultaneously.
  •  Duryodhana, Sudhakshina, Jayadhradha, Dusassana, Vikarna, all 97 brothers of Duryodhana, ShakuniYudhishtirBhimaNakulaSahadeva, Uttar , Shikhandi, Uttamaujas etc were Rathi's.

Atirathi: A warrior capable of contending with 12 Rathi class warriors or 60,000 warriors simultaneously.
  •  KritavarmaShalyaKripacharyaBhurisravasYuyutsuShishupalaVirata, Akampan, Satyaki, Drishtadyumna, Kuntibhoja, Ghatotkacha, all sons of Draupadi, PrahastaAngada, Somadatha and Pradyumna were Atirathi's

Maharathi: A warrior capable of fighting 12 Atirathi class warriors or 720,000 warriors simultaneously, circumspect in his mastery of all forms of weapons and combat skills.
  • KarthaveryaArjunaRamaKumbhakarnaLakshmanaRavanaLavaKushaSugrivaAtikayaJambavanValiBhishmaDronaKarnaArjunaAshwatthamaAbhimanyuBalramaLord Narasimha, Alambusha.
  • Vrishasena  (the son of Karna), BhagadattaNarakasuraDrupadaVirataJarasandha and Dhrishtaketu were Maharathis.

Atimaharathi: A warrior capable of fighting 12 Maharathi warriors simultaneously.
  • .Ravan's son Indrajit is considered as a Atimaharathi who possessed all three ultimate weapons of Trimurti's.Parasurama the sixth avatar of Vishnu is also considered an Atimaharathi (as he possessed all three weapons of the trinity Pashupatastra, Vaishnavastra and Brahma astra)

Mahamaharathi: A warrior capable of fighting 24 Atimaharathi's simultaneously.
  • Lord BrahmaVishnuShivaDurgaGaneshakartikeya  and 10 mahavidya's are Mahamaharathi's.

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